Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our government sucks our money

What happened to this country ???
Country full with natural resources but due to bad management, all resources gone...............
Who's the leader ??? No matter who is the leader, there all are cheater, If Anwar Ibrahim is a great cheater......Yes, undeniably he is the cheater of the year 2008..... but after all no one still can take over the place of BN as 50 years cheater........
How come Malaysian so stupid, everytime also cheat by BN, Malaysian !!!!! don't you have a brain ????
Sharir is the great cheating minister by saying that petrol will reduce price until Rm 1.92 after world crude oil price below USD fact the crude oil price already USD 65...When is the time to reduce our petrol price ???
Recently he stated again, petrol price in Malaysia at most can reduce to RM 2.15......This is to protect all the fucking petrol station to avoid their lost......... What about when petrol increase much they earn from that ??? FUCK YOU !!!! always take care of your kroni only....What is your promises to rakyat ??? Jaga Rakyat ??? FUCK YOU BARISAN !!!!!
When petrol was USD 125 government subsidy us for RM 0.30 for every litre we pump.....I have to admit that petrol once increase to USD 145 and government did subsidy us very much....i Appreciate that very much....Because is the responsibility of government to take care and protect their rakyat....
But now petrol already USD you think government still subsidizing us or actually we are the one that subsidize the government.....OUR GOVERNMENT SUCKS OUR MONEY !!!! all the money goes to Petronas and most important we paying more for petrol and our money flow to foreign country if we pump shell, esso, bla bla bla.....
Give us back our petrol subsidy....don't ever ever think that we are stupid.....If our government is really good then they should revise the petrol price once every week.....

1 comment:

s@m巧彦 said...

this is our 'beloved government'...haih