Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"down" syndrome

Recently when I want to start something....then I'll automatically become very very initiative...very busy looking for this looking for that and make sure is correct and right... but this is just for the beginning...once reaches the half way....then I feel lazy and no mood to do at all...Really hate this kind of bad syndrome...So, i wish i could settle up everything before i cold down....

Today I went for demo session, really feel lazy to guide those students anymore....feel like quiting and i supposed have more time on my work and for my personal thing...feel sigh...cos i have to waste every single minute and time on something which is not my scope....of course this is compensate by money...I'm still ok with that little money because basically i spent more than what I earned....

Then night time i went for optimization (matlab class)...what a refresh after that class...although i don't really like that class much...too much programming...I hate to communicate with computer...


|oveiSintheAir said...

then communicate with me larrr *winks* =P =P

GeR said...
